Dark Russian Trainer

for Windows Phone

Dark Russian Trainer is a training card-based utility. It helps you to learn Russian words, sentences and how to speak them with the integrated Russian text-to-speech feature. The idea is that you create your own training cards, based on your level and training state. The cards for words and verbs are organized within groups and build together a Card-Set. You can have as many Card-Sets as you want. But training is always taken on one Card-Set. This allows you to make different trainings and helps you to focus on the current topic.

  • training card-based utility
  • helps to learn Russian words
  • create your own training cards
  • cards organized within groups
  • groups organized in card sets
  • online translation for a wide range of languages

Privacy Statement

This application stores your training cards directly on your device. In case you publish your training cards, you agree that this cards are stored on our servers and that everyone can use them for free.

Although the application was implemented according to the best of our knowledge and belief, no warranty of any kind can be given. You use this software at your own risk.

No personal data is collected by the application or the publisher.

Different rules may apply in the use of Microsoft services such as Windows and Windows Store. Please contact Microsoft directly for further information.

Please send an mail to feedback@windowsstoreapps.ch with questions regarding support and privacy policy.